USDA”s June planted area survey suggests larger US wheat Carryout

Published by David Tedrow on

USDA published relatively moderate changes to US wheat planted area estimates reflecting the June acreage survey. We have calculated the following wheat production table based on the June survey and the US wheat yield potential based on the weekly crop progress report.

          US Wheat Planted 000 acres, Production Million Bushels
US Wheat Planted 000 acres 2020 2021 2022 2023
Winter 30,450 33,678 33,271 37,005
O Spring 12,310 11,420 10,835 11,140
Durum 1,690 1,635 1,632 1,483
Total 44,450 46,733 45,738 49,628
Winter 23,024 24,612 23,459 25,700
O Spring 12,095 10,165 10,440 10,595
Durum 1,665 1,534 1,581 1,427
Total 36,784 36,311 35,480 37,722
Yield Bushels
Winter 51 52 47 46
O. Spring 49 33 46 45
Durum 42 24 40 41
Total 50 45 47 46
Production Million Bushels
Winter 1,171 1,277 1,104 1,182
O Spring 588 331 482 477
Durum 69 37 64 58
Total 1,828 1,646 1,650 1,717
2023 based on June area estimate and late spring yield potential

Working through the US wheat supply/usage balance, our production estimate would result in a larger US wheat 2023/2024 carryout than USDA forecast last month, assuming usage estimates are held constant at the June WASDE estimate. Our US wheat production forecast would result in a modestly larger carryout than the USDA projected last month.

US Wheat Supply/Usage (Million Bu./ Acres)
Crop Years 2021/22 2022/23 Est. 2023/2024 Projected 2023/2024 revised
Planted 46.7 45.7 49.9 49.6
Harv. 37.1 35.5 37.1 37.7
Yield 44.3 46.5 44.9 45.5
Carryin 845 698 598 598
Prod 1646 1650 1665 1717
Imports 95 125 135 135
Supply 2587 2473 2399 2450
Food 972 975 977 977
Seed 58 70 65 65
Feed 59 55 70 70
Domestic 1088 1100 1112 1112
Exports 800 775 725 725
Total 1888 1875 1837 1837
Carryout 698 598 562 613
Carryout %use 37.0% 31.9% 30.6% 33.4%
USDA 06/09/2023 – 2023/2024 revised Our production estimate based on late June Conditions

We note that USDA projected US wheat imports at 175 million bushels, which would be large compared to recent imports but in line with shipments in the mid-2010s crop years. The bulk of US wheat imports originate from Canada. USDA estimates the 2023 Canadian wheat crop will be 37 million metric tonnes, compared to 34 million tonnes in 2022. The Canadian wheat crop estimate is about 80% as large as the US crop.

December Chicago wheat would likely trade under $6.00 based on our current US wheat supply/usage balance projection.


Categories: Grains