USDA Forecasts Modest Increase in Corn Carryout Stocks

Published by David Tedrow on

USDA cut the US corn production estimate this month but made only fractional changes to crop year 2024/25 usage projections. USDA maintained a $4.10 average price at farm level for the 2024/25 crop year. Cash corn was trading just under $4.00 on 11/12/24. A linear model regressing the high and low range for May corn futures prices and the season average at farm level suggests a range between $3.99 and $4.92 assuming a season average at farm level of $4.10.

US Corn Supply/Usage (Million Bushels & Acres)
2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/2024
11/8/24 11/8/24 Percent
Area Planted 92.9 88.2 94.6 91 -4%
Area Harvested 85 78.7 86.5 83 -4%
Yield / Harv. Ac. 176.7 173.4 177.3 183 3%
Beginning Stocks 1,235 1,377 1,360 1,760 29%
Production 15,018 13,651 15,341 15,143 -1%
Imports 24 39 28 25 -11%
Supply, Total 16,277 15,066 16,729 16,928
Feed and Residual 5,671 5,486 5,807 5,825 0%
Food, Seed & Industrial 6,757 6,558 6,869 6,840 0%
Ethanol & by-products 5,320 5,176 5,478 5,450 -1%
Domestic, Total 12,427 12,044 12,676 12,665 0%
Exports 2,472 1,662 2,292 2,325 1%
Use, Total 14,900 13,706 14,969 14,990 0%
Ending Stocks 1,377 1,360 1,760 1,938 10%
Carryout/Usage* 9% 10% 12% 13%
Farm Price $6.00 $6.54 $4.55 $4.10 -10%
May Corn Futures Winter Spring Price Range
High $8.27 $6.86 $4.63 $4.92
Low $5.90 $6.07 $4.09 $3.99
November 2024 USDA data. *Carryout % FSI + Exports+ Feed

May 2025 corn futures were trading at $4.45 on November 13, 2024.


Categories: Grains