USDA expects significant increase in US wheat Planted Acreage

Published by David Tedrow on

USDA’s March planting intentions survey data  signaled an increase in  both winter wheat (planted last fall) , and spring wheat area. But early spring condition reports suggest only a modest year over year increase in US wheat production for the 2023 crop year. March area data and our early spring assessment of  yield potential  and comparative data are included in the accompanying table.

US Wheat yield potential can change substantially as the spring early summer progresses. Most of the winter US wheat crop is made by late May or early June. The more northerly US spring wheat crop is made by late July or early August.

                                US Wheat Planted 000 acres. Production Million Bushels
US Wheat Planted 000 acres 2020 2021 2022 2023
Winter 30,450 33,678 33,271 37,505
O Spring 12,310 11,420 10,835 10570
Durum 1,690 1,635 1,632 1,780
Total 44,450 46,733 45,738 49,855
Winter 23,024 24,612 23,459 26,036
O Spring 12,095 10,165 10,440 10,125
Durum 1,665 1,534 1,581 1,714
Total 36,784 36,311 35,480 37,876
Yield Bushels
Winter 51 52 47 47
O Spring 49 33 46 48
Durum 42 24 40 41
Total 50 45 47 47
Production Million Bushels
Winter 1,171 1,277 1,104 1,224
O Spring 588 331 482 481
Durum 69 37 64 70
Total 1,828 1,646 1,650 1,775
2023 based on March area estimate and early spring yield potential

Categories: Grains