US Corn Yield expectation cut, but ample new crop carryout still likely. – 08/14/2023

Published by David Tedrow on

The USDA’s first crop survey of the season resulted in a 2+ bushel reduction in the National corn average yield. In the 1965-2022 period the August yield estimate had a 96% correlation with the final (January) estimate with a standard error of six bushels per harvested acre. 

USDA reduced the projection for the 2023/2024 US corn carryover by just 60 million bushels as feed, FSI, and export projections for the new year were all reduced.

                                               US Corn Supply/Usage Million Bushels acres
2021/22 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Area Planted 90.7 93.3 88.6 94.1
Area Harvested 82.3 85.3 79.2 86.3
Yield per Harvested Acre 171.4 176.7 173.3 175.1
Beginning Stocks 1,919 1,235 1,377 1,457
Production 14,111 15,074 13,730 15,111
Imports 24 24 35 25
Supply, Total 16,055 16,333 15,142 16,592
Feed and Residual 5,607 5,721 5,425 5,625
Food, Seed & Industrial 6,467 6,764 6,635 6,715
Ethanol & by-products 5,028 5,326 5,225 5,300
Domestic, Total 12,074 12,484 12,060 12,340
Exports 2,747 2,471 1,625 2,050
Use, Total 14,821 14,956 13,685 14,390
Ending Stocks 1,235 1,377 1,457 2,202
Carryout/Usage* 13% 15% 18% 25%
* Excluding Feed Residual, August 2023 USDA Estimate & Projected New Crop


One key metric, the corn US corn carryover relative to crop year FSI + exports calculated to 25% compared to the average 19% in the previous 10 years. We have scattered the harvest time price range for December corn as a function of the ratio of carryover / (Food + industrial  +exports). The studies suggest a $3.75 to $5.00 autumn price range for the December 2023 corn contract.  The calculated price range assumes USDA’s August estimates.


Price plotted for 2023 is the close for December  2023 corn on August 14, 2023.

The 2023 price is meant to reflect the  relative position of the current price compared to histortical data.

Categories: Grains