US Corn S/D & Price Outlook

Published by David Tedrow on

USDA did not change the US corn crop, year 2024/25 supply/usage balance this month but did reduce prospective US sorghum exports sharply and added the reduction to domestic sorghum feed usage. The sorghum  supply/demand balance is small compared to the corn balance but this month’s sorghum changes were not reflected in a reduction in corn feed residual usage. 

US Corn Supply/Usage Million Bushels & acres
2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/2025
2/11/25 2/11/25
Area Planted 88.2 94.6 90.6 92.0 1.5%
Area Harvested 78.7 86.5 82.9 84.1 1.4%
Yield per Harv. Ac. 173.4 177.3 179 182 1.5%
Beginning Stocks 1,377 1,360 1,763 1,540 -12.6%
Production 13,651 15,341 14,867 15,305 2.9%
Imports 39 28 25 25
Supply, Total 15,066 16,729 16,655 16,870 1.3%
Feed and Residual 5,486 5,804 5,775 5,925 2.6%
Food, Seed & Industrial 6,558 6,869 6,890 6,860 -0.4%
Ethanol & by-products 5,176 5,478 5,500 5,475 -0.5%
Domestic, Total 12,044 12,673 12,665 12,785 0.9%
Exports 1,662 2,292 2,450 2,275 -7.1%
Use, Total 13,706 14,966 15,115 15,060 -0.4%
Ending Stocks 1,360 1,763 1,540 1,810 17.5%
Carryout/Usage* 17% 19% 16% 20%
Farm Price $6.54 $4.55 $4.35 $3.90 -10.3%


Corn market traders will begin to focus on  new crop corn prospects as the old crop S/D data becomes well known and the release of the March Planting Intention survey approaches on 03/31/2025. We have plugged in USDA’s baseline supply/demand projections for 2025/2026. At this point 2025/2026 data are just trendline forecasts but they provide a useful yardstick to measure changing  corn economic prospects. 

Categories: Grains


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