US Corn Planted Area to Expand – 02/17/2023

Published by David Tedrow on

US farmers are likely to increase corn planted area in 2023 despite increased production costs. Corn at current old crop prices provide favorable returns to land after deducting variable costs data as provided by USDA. Corn returns also hold an edge to the same calculation for Midwest soybean farmers.. 

                                                         Midwest Farm Budgets Per Acre
Soybeans Corn
Revenue $743 $1,211
Variable Cost Per Acre $235 $461
Return to land & Labor $508 $750
Assumptions $7 corn @ 173 Bushels/acre
$15 Soybeans @ 49.5 bushels per acre
Based on 2022/2023 yield & price outcomes
and USDA cost projection for 2023/2024

Wet weather hampered planting activities last year resulting in the loss of one million acres of corn compared to 2022 March planting intentions. The smaller base makes exceeding the year earlier corn planted acre level in 2023 easier provided the same problem does not recur this spring.

The March Prospective Planting report is scheduled for release March 31,2023.

US Corn Data Million Bushels/Acres
2020 2021 2022 2023 Proj.
March Survey 96,990 91,114 89,490 90,950
Planted 90,652 93,357 88,579 90,950
Harvested 82,313 85,318 79,207 82,400
% Harvested 90.8% 91.4% 89.4% 90.6%
Yield Bu./Ac. 171 177 173 178
Production 14,111 15,074 13,730 14,667
2023 Forecast Based on Trend, USDA Final data prior to 2023


Chart data for 2023 our forecast.

Categories: Grains