US Cattle Inventory Declines in 2022. – 12/28/2022

Published by David Tedrow on

We calculate the US cattle inventory declined 2+% this year., to the smallest herd  since 2015. Favorable feeder cattle returns have drawn  heifers into feedlots rather than rebuild the breeding herd. . 

The need to rebuild the US cattle herd and ensure adequate beef supplies  beyond 2023 will likely be a major price supporting force in the cattle futures market in the year ahead. April 2023 live cattle are projected to top the current winter – spring high of $166 (established in 2015 which is also the most recent low in US cattle inventory)

                                         US Cattle Balance (000 Head) July/December
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
July 1 Inventory 103,000 100,800 98,800
Calf Crop 9,646 9,455 9,300
Imports 999 873 715
Supply 113,645 111,128 108,815
Slaughter 16,965 17,061 17,248
Calf Slaughter 221 210 196
exports 200 253 241
Total 17,385 17,524 17,685
*Death Loss/Res. 1,459 1,703 1,500
January 1 Inventory 94,800 91,902 89,630
2022/23 LACO estimate * Death loss and stat. discrepancy


Categories: Livestock