June Hog Seasonal

Published by David Tedrow on

June hog futures prices have advanced more than declined in 15 of 24 years in which the preceding year *year t)  pig crop was less than the previous year’s (year t-1) level. In December USDA estimated the June 2022 to November 2022 pig crop at 67.2 million head compared to 68.1 million head in the same period in 2021.

                        June Lean Hogs $/cwt
                        February July
*YEARS Jan-27 High % Change Low % Change X=Bull Years
1970 $28 $29 6% $26 -7%
1972 $29 $29 1% $25 -12%
1973 $32 $41 30% $31 -3% x
1974 $48 $49 2% $24 -51%
1975 $42 $52 24% $40 -6% x
1976 $42 $53 27% $43 1% x
1981 $52 $56 6% $44 -17%
1982 $50 $63 28% $48 -3% x
1983 $57 $56 -1% $46 -20%
1985 $54 $54 1% $44 -18%
1986 $46 $54 18% $40 -12% x
1987 $47 $64 36% $45 -5% x
1990 $53 $67 28% $52 -3% x
1994 $55 $56 2% $45 -18%
1996 $50 $67 33% $50 -1% x
1997 $81 $87 8% $76 -6% x
2000 $67 $78 16% $64 -4% x
2001 $63 $73 16% $63 0% x
2003 $63 $68 7% $56 -11%
2009 $76 $77 2% $56 -26%
2010 $77 $88 14% $74 -4% x
2014 $102 $133 30% $103 1% x
2021 $88 $123 41% $87 -1% x
2022 $106 $127 20% $97 -9% x
*Years in which USDA’s June/November pig crop estimate (in year t-1) was less than the previous year’s crop.


Categories: Livestock