Ethanol Margins a supporting force in the corn market – 9/11/2023

Published by David Tedrow on

An ethanol price rally associated with higher gasoline  prices and seasonal harvest pressure on corn values has pushed corn derived ethanol margins over $3.00 per bushel. Better  ethanol processing margins could keep Midwest cash corn bids above $4.00 / bushel. A harvest low under $4.00, basis Midwest corn at farm elevators, appears likely if the energy rally fails this autumn.

Week ending Margin $/Bu. Ethanol $/Gallon 10 % Distillate  Grain $/ton Corn $Bu
9/8/2017 $1.88 $1.48 $104.38 $3.19
9/8/2018 $1.44 $1.25 $130.00 $3.21
9/8/2019 $1.15 $1.29 $124.13 $3.56
9/9/2020 $1.76 $1.43 $150.23 $3.57
9/10/2021 $2.79 $2.46 $196.00 $5.84
9/10/2022 $2.04 $2.55 $240.00 $7.19
9/10/2023 $3.10 $2.28 $211.33 $5.14

Note No. 2 yellow corn bids at country elevators have been trading $.40 to $.60 per bushel under bids at ethanol plants in recent weeks.


Categories: Grains


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