Comparing weekly corn crop data to the August estimate. – 7/31/2023

Published by David Tedrow on

USDA reported 55% of the corn crop was in good or excellent condition as of the end of July.  Based on historical data the USDA’s weekly report suggests an August US average corn yield of 178 bushels per harvested acre compared to USDA’s July trendline forecast of 182 bushels. We have summarized the data in the accompanying table and chart. The USDA has scheduled the release of the August crop report for 8/11/2023

                                       US Corn Data Million Bushels/Acres
2020 2021 2022 2023 Est
Planted 90,652 93,357 88,579 94,096
Harvested 82,313 85,318 79,207 86,322
% Harvested 90.8% 91.4% 89.4% 91.7%
Yield Bu./Ac. 171 177 173 178
Production 14,111 15,074 13,730 15,365
2023 Forecast Based on USDA area data area available 8/1/2023.
& Yield model August est. as a function of crop index 7/30/2023
Crop Index Trend Intercept
0.64 2.13 -4175
R2 Std Error
97% 5
12 32 T Stats
Yield calculation 55*.64+2023*2.13-4,175
Based on data 1985 – 2023

Categories: Grains