Spring vs Winter Wheat 06/23/2021

The USDA rated just 27% of the US spring wheat crop in good or excellent condition as of June 20  which compares to the preceding 25-year avere of  69%. Minneapolis wheat (Spring) has gained sharply on KC wheat reflecting poor spring wheat production prospects versus winter wheat (KC).

US Hog Inventory June 1

The US hog inventory on June 1 declined about 6% year over year based on data available in early June. Hog prices exceeded $100/cwt last quarter but just kept up with corn values leaving hog production profitability slightly under the last five years.        2021 US balance based on Read more…

Summer Corn Economic Value

The completion of corn planting and the purchase of new crop corn by China has focused attention on the summer season and the potential forces on the 2021/2022 corn season. The WAOB  projected the 2021/2022 US corn carryout at 1.5 billion bushels or just 17% of food, industrial usage and Read more…