Beef Market Distorted

The urgency of getting beef packing plants back on line is illustrated by graphing packer margins over the past few months. The beef industry will become increasingly distorted if farmers and ranchers are not allowed access to now shuttered packing plants.    Live cattle futures will get a  lift when Read more…

Soybean Corn Price Ratio

The value of corn has lost on the value of soybeans this spring. The reduction in demand for corn as fuel stock and the expectation of a surplus in new crop corn supplies   has weighed on corn prices. Both in absolute terms and relative to soybeans.   Farmers could Read more…

New Crop Wheat Outlook

The USDA’s first new crop wheat supply/usage balance, scheduled for release next month, could post a small reduction in US wheat carryout stocks in 2020/2021. Our new crop wheat production forecast is based on the March planting survey and a continuation of the current relatively favorable weather pattern. We have Read more…

New crop Corn Balance

USDA Is scheduled to release the first U.S. corn supply usage balance of the 2020/2021 season in  May. The May first balance estimates of the season are based on the March planting intention survey and the prevailing economic situation in early May.   We have constructed a new crop corn Read more…

Cattle on Feed

The USDA is scheduled to release the March Cattle On  feed report on April 24. We estimate cattle placements last month at 1.95 million head compared to 2.01 million head in March 2019. Our marketing estimate for March is 1.85 million head compared 1.8 million head a year earlier. The Read more…

Tracking Deliverable Hogs.

Deliverable hogs prices are at the recent five year low, but remain well above the all time low of $18/cwt in he 1995-2020 period. Large  hog supplies and a leftward shift in domestic pork demand has pressured deliverable values. Seasonally cash hog prices have usually advanced from early spring into Read more…

The Corn Demand Curve

The accompanying scatter study shows the April/June monthly high for corn prices  as a function of the ratio of US corn carryout stocks to crop year corn food and industrial plus exports. The data is from the USDA April World supply/usage report. The concept is to use the least elastic Read more…

Corn runs low on fuel.

A sharp leftward shift in the corn ethanol demand function pulled the bottom out of the corn market this spring. A collapse in the crude oil market and a reduction in overall fuel demand from stay at home drivers cut the use of ethanol, a prime component  of the domestic Read more…

USDA Juggles Soybean Estimates

The USDA cut the 2019/20 soybean export estimate this month but increased the crush assessment. Competition from the big South American soybean crop is reducing old export  prospects.  U.S. soybean processors have benefited from increased soybean meal disappearance and stronger soybean oil exports. The crush would be stronger but for Read more…